B.S. in Exercise & Movement Sciences + M.S. in Kinesiology
This program is designed for exceptional undergraduate students in Kinesiology who would like to complete both their bachelor's and master's degrees in a shortened time frame (5-5 1/2 years). The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to further enhance their knowledge base and academic skills in the field of kinesiology while reducing the overall cost of the graduate degree. It also allows students to develop more competitive applications to doctoral programs (e.g. Physical Therapy, Medicine, Kinesiology) and improve their employment opportunities

B.S. in Exercise & Movement Sciences + M.A. in Special Education + Orientation & Mobility Credential One Integrated Program
This program will allow you to earn both your B.S. in Kinesiology (Exercise and Movement Science) and M.A. in Special Education and Orientation & Mobility Credential within 5.5 years.
For more information: https://sped.sfsu.edu/sfscholars