Kent Lorenz
Kent A. Lorenz is an associate professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity in the Department of Kinesiology at San Francisco State University. He completed a PhD in Physical Education and a graduate certificate in Statistics from Arizona State University, along with a Master's of Science in Exercise Physiology from San Diego State University and undergraduate degrees in Education and Physical Education from the University of Alberta. His evolving research interests are centered on creating positive environments for physical education and physical activity in schools using the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program guidelines and a behavioral ecological support framework, and in applying reflective practice to decision-making in physical education teaching and teacher education
Research Lab
Dr. Lorenz conducts his most of his research in school-settings; during physical education and out-of-class programs within K-12 schools, as well as teacher education programs within institutions of higher education. In addition, Dr. Lorenz and Dr. Jimmy Bagley of San Francisco State University have created the Strength and Conditioning Lab to improve the instructional characteristics of new Kinesiology professionals and measure physical and muscular changes in response to resistance training.
Dr. Lorenz is collaborating with researchers at San Francisco State University, Arizona State University, the University of Queensland (Australia), and the University of Osnabruck (Germany). As a faculty member at San Francisco State University, he is developing research projects in cooperation with the San Francisco Unified School District to increase physical activity opportunities as well as improve teacher effectiveness within K-12 physical education and physical education teacher education programs.
Please contact Dr. Lorenz if you are interested in working together on a project, or if you would like additional information.
Kent A. Lorenz, PhD, CF-L2 Trainer
Associate Professor
San Francisco State University
Department of Kinesiology
1600 Holloway Avenue - Gym 128
San Francisco, CA 94132-4161
Office: (415) 338-1559
Email: kalorenz@sfsu.edu
Selected Publications
Mulhearn, S.C., Kulinna, P.H & Lorenz, K.A. (2023) Classroom teachers’ perceived barriers to implementing Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (TPB- CSPAP): Instrument development, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2023.2206449
Lorenz, K.A., Stylianou, M., Kulinna, P.H., & Yu, H. (2023). School and home contributions to dietary behaviors of rural youth. American Journal of Health Promotion, 37(4), 478-487. https://doi.org/10.1177/08901171221134792
Lorenz, K. A., van der Mars, H., McMullen, J., Norris, J., & Jahn, J. (2022). Effects of an environmental intervention on high School Students’ Expanded Physical Activity Programming Participation and Activity Levels. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0307.
Elliott, E., McKenzie, T.L., Woods, A.M., Beighle, A.E., Heidorn, B. &, Lorenz, K.A. (2022) Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Roots and potential growth, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, (93)5, 6-12, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07303084.2022.2053472
Bentley, T. G. K., Seeber, C., Hightower, E., Mackenzie, B., Wilson, R., Velazquez, A., Cheng, A., Arce, N. N., & Lorenz, K. A. (2022). Slow-breathing curriculum for stress reduction in high school students: Lessons learned from a feasibility pilot. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3,1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2022.864079
Lorenz, K. A., Yeshurun, S., Aziz, R., Ortiz-Delatorre, J., Bagley, J. R., Mor, M., & Kern, M. (2021). Validity of the Lumen® hand-held metabolic device to measure fuel utilization in healthy young adults. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 10.2196/25371. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.2196/25371
Lorenz, K.A., Stylianou, M., & Kulinna, P.H. (2020). Changes in healthy behavior knowledge of rural students. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 465-480.
Pham, R. D., Machek, S. B., & Lorenz, K. A. (2020). Technical aspects and applications of the low-bar back squat. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 42(3), 121-128.
Houston, J., Kulinna, P., van der Mars, H., P. H., Block, M., Cocchiarella, M., & Lorenz, K.A. (2019). Effectiveness of National Board Certified Teachers and non-National Board Certified Teachers in Physical Education? The Physical Educator, 76(1), 57-85.
Kahan, D, Lorenz, K.A., Kaawa, E., & Rioveros, A. (2019). Changes in school-day step counts during a physical activity for Lent intervention: A cluster randomized crossover trial of the Savior’s sandals. BMC Public Health, 19, 141-150.
Kahan, D., & Lorenz, K. A. (2019). Physical activity for Lent: Changes in and associations between religiosity, enjoyment, motivation, and physical activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90(4), 507-516.
Machek S.B., Lorenz K.A., Kern M., Galpin A.J., & Bagley, J.R. (2019). Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type and Morphology in a Middle-Aged Elite Male Powerlifter Using Anabolic Steroids. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise (In Press).
Lorenz, K. A. (2018). Physical education within a comprehensive school physical activity program. Texas Education Review, 6(2), 38-49. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/68278
Houston, J., Lorenz, K.A., van der mars, H. (2018). Physical activity patterns in students with physical disabilities in general physical education and inclusive recess setting. Palaestra, 32(3), 51-57.
Yu, H., Kulinna, P. H., & Lorenz, K. A. (2018). An integration of mobile applications into physical education programs. Strategies, 31(3), 13-19.
Jordan, M., Lorenz, K.A., Stylianou, M., & Kulinna, P. H. (2018). The role of teacher social capital in a comprehensive school-based health intervention. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37(2),
Lorenz, K.A., van der Mars, H., Kulinna, P.H., Ainsworth, B.E., & Hovell, M.F. (2017). Developing the system for observing behavioral ecology for youth in schools (SOBEYS) Instrument. Journal of School Health. 87(12), 894-901.
Lorenz, K.A., van der Mars, H., Kulinna, P.H., Ainsworth, B.E., & Hovell, M.F. (2017). Environmental and behavioral influences of physical activity in junior high school students. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 14(10), 1-27.
van der Mars, H., Lorenz, K.A., & Kwon, J. (2017). Building CSPAP development into Arizona State University’s PETE program: A work in progress. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 88(1), 11-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2017.1250518
Mulhearn, S.C., Kulinna, P.H., & Lorenz, K.A. (2017). Harvesting harmony: Mindfulness in the classroom. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 88(6), 44-50.
Lorenz, K.A., Stylianou, M., Moore, S., & Kulinna, P.H. (2016). Does fitness make the grade? The relationship between elementary students' physical fitness and grades. Health Education Journal, 76(3), 302-312. DOI: 10.1177/0017896916672898
Jordan, M. E., Lorenz, K.A., Stylianou, M., & Kulinna, P.H. (2016). Examining student social capital in a comprehensive school-based health intervention. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 51(2), 36-49.
Phelps, A., Kulinna, P.H., McLeod, C., Stylianou, M., & Lorenz, K.A. (2016). Elementary Fitness for Life: In action. Strategies, 29(5), 37-41.
Books and Book Chapters
Van der Mar, H., & Lorenz, K.A. (2019). CSPAP: Its History, Foundations, Prospects, and Barriers. In Carson, R., & Webster, C (Eds.). CSPAP: Evidence-based Research to Practice. Human Kinetics: Champaign: IL.
Kulinna, PH. Stylianou, M., Lorenz, K.A., & Mulhearn, S.C. (2019). CSPAP in Rural Settings. In Carson, R., & Webster, C (Eds.). CSPAP: Evidence-based Research to Practice. Human Kinetics: Champaign: IL.
Wilson, J., & Lorenz, K.A. (2015). Modeling Correlated Binary Data using SAS, SPSS and R. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
- KIN 314: Principles of Strength and Conditioning
- KIN 384GW: Research Methods in Kinesiology
- KIN 401: Physical Education in Elementary Schools (K-5)
- KIN 580: Physical Education in Secondary Schools (6-12)
- KIN 715: Research Designs and Analysis
- KIN 750: Curriculum and Instruction in Physical Education (I)