Maria Veri

Maria Veri

Phone: (415) 338-1746
Location: Gym 141

Dr. Maria J. Veri is a Professor of Kinesiology and the Coordinator of the Kinesiology graduate program at San Francisco State University. She teaches courses in the areas of sport and cultural studies; sport and exercise psychology; and social justice and qualitative research. Her broad research interests include examining gender, sexuality, race, and politics in sport; how critical pedagogy and social justice can transform teaching practice and student learning; and intersections of food, sport, and identity from a cultural studies and historical perspective.
She is the co-author of Gridiron Gourmet: Gender and Food at the Football Tailgate (2019; University of Arkansas Press) and has written about representations of sport in 20th century milk drinking promotions as well as the rise of Raider Nation against the backdrop of Oakland city politics. Dr. Veri holds a PhD in Cultural Studies in Education and a Master’s degree in Human Performance and Sport Studies with an emphasis in sport psychology, both from the University of Tennessee. She is an active member of North American Society for Sport History (NASSH), Association for the Study of Food in Society (ASFS), and Western Society for Physical Education of College Women (WSPECW). Follow her on social media: @mjveri

Select Publications

Veri, M.J., Taylor, S.D., Eliason, M., Bolter, N., & Van Olphen, J. (2022). ‘I can’t unsee what I’ve seen:’ Doing Social Justice Pedagogy in the research methods classroom, Teaching in Higher Education.

Bolter, N.D., Taylor, S.D., Gomez, D. H., Eliason, M., Van Olphen, J., Veri, M.J., & Hermoso, J. (2021). Transforming undergraduate research methods courses using social justice pedagogy: A pre-post analysis. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.

Taylor, S.D., Veri, M.J., Hermoso, J., Bolter, N.D., Eliason, M., & Van Olphen, J. (2019).  The Social Justice Syllabus Design Tool: A First Step in Doing Social Justice Pedagogy. ​Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (JCSCORE).

Veri, M.J., & Liberti, R. (2019). Gridiron Gourmet: Gender and Food at the Football
​Tailgate. University of Arkansas Press: Little Rock, AR.  

Veri, M.J. (2017). “Sons of Oakland: The Raiders and the Rais/zing of a City.” In R. Liberti & M.​Smith (Eds.), San Francisco Bay Area Sport History, Little Rock: University of Arkansas ​Press.

Veri, M.J. (2016). Got Athletes?: The Use of Male Athlete Celebrity Endorsers in Early​Twentieth-Century Dairy-Industry Promotions. Journal of Sport History, 43(3), 290-305.

Burns, K.A. & Veri, M.J. (2014).  A Queer Analysis of HBO’s Flight of the Conchords. Journal of Gender Studies.

Veri, M.J., & Liberti, R.M. (2013). Tailgate Warriors: Exploring constructions of masculinity, food, and football.  Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 37, 227-244.

Veri, M.J., & Walsh, D. (2012).  Intersections between Sport Management and Youth ​Development. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 3(4), 50-55.

Veri, M.J. (2006).  Etched impressions: Student writing as engaged pedagogy in the graduate sport management classroom.  Quest, 58(4), 444-465.

Veri, M.J.  (1999). Homophobic discourse surrounding the female athlete.  Quest, 51, 355-368.

Manuscripts in Progress: 

Veri, M.J. (editor). Setting the Table: Essays at the Intersection of Sport and Food. University of Arkansas Press. [forthcoming]

Veri, M.J. “Milk for Every Body?: Gender, Race, and Sport Representation in mid-20th Century U.S. Dairy Promotions,” chapter for inclusion in forthcoming edited volume, Setting the Table: Essays at the Intersection of Sport and Food, University of Arkansas Press.



  • Kin 322: Sport in America (3 units)
  • Kin 457: Culture, Gender, & Movement (3 units)
  • Kin 490: Introduction to Sport & Fitness Management (3 units)
  • Kin 502: Sport & Social Issues (3 units)
  • Kin 504: Sport & Exercise Psychology (3 units)
  • Kin 510: Sport, Movement, & Screen Culture (3 units; online)
  • Kin 795: Graduate Seminar in Kinesiology (3 units)